środa, 14 listopada 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - TV Spot #6

TV Spot nr 6: tutaj/here. 

Edit: już możesz zobaczyć ten spot poniżej:)
Edit:now you can see the spot below :)

Richard Armitage as Thorin in The Hobbit... TV Spot nr 6. My screencap.

Richard Armitage as Thorin in The Hobbit... TV Spot nr 6. My screencap.

Richard Armitage as Thorin in The Hobbit... TV Spot nr 6. My screencap.

2 komentarze:

  1. Thorin to Bilbo: "Why did you come?"

    Such a heart wrenching question--very forlorn.

    1. If I remember correctly in the book Thorin very long doubted that Bilbo is a good choice to a burglar. When I hear Thorin in this spot I can hear in his voice some contempt, and I'm afraid that not all viewers will love this proud king at first sight.Sigh.

      Thanks for your comment. :)


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